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A Beginner s Guide for Crossfit Training

Exercising is a very important thing to do if we want to remain healthy for the years to come. Through exercises, we let our body gain strength and become more resistant to several diseases, while becoming much more energetic ourselves. This, of course, can lead to a more triumphant life.

However, there s a universal truth we all have to agree on: not everyone engages in exercising for the sake of becoming healthier. In fact, a lot of us just want to exercise to look better and become better versions of ourselves. It is a journey of self-development, which in a way, will grant us health in the process.

Among the many available choices we have to achieve this, CrossFit is a very popular alternative. A lot of people are interested in this activity but don t understand the basics of it, which might turn it into a rather intimidating option.

For that reason, we will cover some of the most important things you should have in mind before considering trying CrossFit, as well as certain things that might improve your experience.

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit can be simply described as an intense method of training that involves several aspects of exercising, from muscle training to cardiovascular training. It is considered a high-intensity type of training, and at times, include practices like:

        Jump training

        Weightlifting and the use of kettlebells

        Explosive movement training

The benefits of this activity are many. It improves our overall strength, improves our fitness capabilities, helps us improve our balance, flexibility, and swiftness, and it is a great thing to do if you want to lose weight because of the incredible amount of calories that are burnt in the process. Of course, it also helps us look good as well!

If you are interested in more details about its benefits, you should check this article over here.

The thing about CrossFit is that, if done incorrectly, it can cause more harm than good. That is why you should make sure you are taking the right steps to enjoy your first CrossFit experience.

Preparing for the Adventure

If you are a beginner, the first thing you should consider is hiring a professional coach that could guide you through the process of learning the right practices. Poorly performing the exercises involved in the whole experience can lead to pain and damages in your body, and for beginners, getting the right amount of training can be complicated.

That is why a trainer might be the best solution for this problem. Considering the whole situation with quarantine, finding a trainer might be difficult right now, but you always have the option of hiring an online trainer, so there shouldn t be any worries related to this.

If you decide to go for the latter, you will have to buy your own equipment. If you pay a monthly fee for a gym, all the equipment required will be free for use, so take that in mind as well.

The clothes you will use are also an important thing to have in mind when starting a CrossFit adventure. Clothes are especially important for this particular activity, just because of the incredible amount of movement involved in it. A good pair of crossfit shoes for beginners go a long way, as well as clothes that grant you more freedom and comfort.

Having the right clothing pieces not only enhances your experience, but also prevents you from suffering from injuries that could potentially harm your body while you train, especially shoes, since movement is a very important part of CrossFit.

As a Beginner

Beginners should always engage in this activity at a much slower pace, for the sake of getting accustomed to the physical effort to perform it. The same can be said about the amount of weight used during certain routines: starting with less might help you remain consistent and motivated to perform better later on.


A great thing about this specific form of training is that there s a certain level of competitiveness involved in the process of becoming stronger, faster, and better at it: the CrossFit games.

A lot of gyms motivate people to become better to participate in games similar to tournaments in which people have to face other participants at challenges that involve a lot of physical effort, often related to the training routines practiced during a regular CrossFit experience.

This, of course, motivates people into becoming better, since there s a certain level of competitiveness and camaraderie to see yourself improving, and see others improving as well, those members of your gym that workout along with you.

You have to have in mind that those games are really intense, and if you are not capable enough of handling, but truly want to, you should always aim to get better at it, taking your time and making sure that you are not risking yourself.

Of course, some people might not be able to enjoy this aspect of this type of training, just because...

It is Not Something for Everyone

Sadly, CrossFit is not something that can be enjoyed by everyone. After all, it is a high-intensity form of exercising, and some people with specific physical conditions might be at risk if they engage in it.

Good examples of this include things like asthma or problems related to the heart, bones, and muscles. Ideally, you should consult with your doctor to know if you are capable of practicing this activity or not.

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Disclaimer: This information is for entertainment purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. MuscleNet.com is not a licensed medical care provider. The reader should understand that participating in any exercise program can result in physical injury and agrees to do so at his own risk. The findings and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of MuscleNet.com.