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Muscle Building For Women

Muscle Building Workout For Women

Bodybuilding is becoming a popular sport, especially among women. In the past, a sexy figure meant a woman had a skinny, waif-like physique like you see displayed by fashion models. But, as more women are getting into health and fitness, the desire for thin figures have changed to more wanting strong, sexy curves. The best way to build a strong body is with bodybuilding. 

It's important to know that bodybuilding is a demanding sport. If you are looking to get into bodybuilding as a regular practice, be prepared to workout hard and often. There are muscle building workouts that, if worked properly, can give you that fit body you want. To achieve a proportioned body, you'll want to schedule weekly exercises specifically targeted to your upper and lower body parts. 

Upper Body

A woman's upper body compliments here shape. One of the best exercises for a women upper body is lateral raises. This makes the main section of the back look more defined. When performing this exercise, be sure to keep your abs strong and focus on using proper form. Slow and controlled movements challenge the back, so to increase the tension attempt to hold on to the weight steady when exerting effort on the contracting movement as you lift the weight up and down. 

When designing an effective workout program, women should not forget the chest area. A chest that's firm ensures a well-proportioned upper body. There are two main sections of the chest muscle one the pectoralis minor and the pectoralis major. The chest press and chest fly are the most common chest exercises performed by women that target this muscle group.

To give an example of the chest press, the trainee begins by pushing the weight away from the chest, straight out and in front of the body. Conversely, the chest fly starts with the arms extended as they are brought together in front of the chest and back to the extended position.

Lower Body

Working out the lower body ensures tight and firm legs and buttocks. The squat and deadlift are the two best muscle building workouts for a woman's lower body. Deadlifts tone your legs and back creating an overall toned effect from behind. When performing deadlifts, hold the weight bar or dumb bell your hand and bend over to touch your lower leg. For those with weak backs, you can bend the knees a bit more to relieve pressure from the back. Begin by pulling the weight up as you focus on the area underneath the buttocks and back of the legs. Stop for a minute while you squeeze, then bring the weight back down. Repeat.

Squats are popular compound exercises for the lower body like the deadlift. It's known that squats help to build muscles everywhere on the body. Squats can be performed with dumbbells, a weight bar, or smith machine. You should know that squatting is challenging as it puts major stress on the entire body. In order to gain muscle in the legs, especially for women, it's advised that you squat heavy and deep but never sacrifice form for more weight. Remember, your mission is to gain muscular overload while controlling the squat as you move up and down.

When exercising to build muscle, be sure to focus on proper form. Try not to lift too quickly, but use slow controlled movements. Consistency in your training will enable you to see results quickly. As with any sport, tracking your progress closely provides a road map for success. When it comes to muscle building, women face so many challenges. This is understandable. However, if you are a woman and hell bent on giving your body that looks that you desire, then this muscle building tips for women will be a plus.

The first tip you have to consider is maintaining a good workout timetable. The problem with most women and their workouts is that they are inconsistent with the whole muscle building process. You find out that immediately a woman gets the urge to upgrade her muscles, she goes off to the nearest muscle building expert to get some workout regime only to abandon it all in less than a week. If you really need of building your muscles, you must be serious about it. On the other hand, the majority of the little group of women that actually stick to their workouts either overdo it or under do it.

What is meant here is that workouts have a time frame in which they are effective. Workouts that last for 5 minutes are purely ineffective while those that last for an hour may only cause more harm than good. The best duration of a workout is 45 minutes. Also, care must be taken to make sure that the 45 minutes is really intense without any breaks.

Next in line in body building tips for women is the issue of protein consumption. Most women don't get enough protein in their meals and this is really counter productive for someone that is doing a lot of workouts. As a woman, you are supposed to be getting at least 1.1g/lb to 1.5g/lb of protein daily. Of course, you can't expect to get this in one meal so you are going to need to spread it across several smaller meals.

Lastly, you should take in a lot of water. This makes sure that the meals you take are properly digested. With these muscle building tips for women, you should be able to take care of those fats and replace them with well-placed muscles.

Sample Workout Plan for Women

The best way to train for muscle building is to train your whole body in each workout with a balance between your muscle groups, as mentioned earlier. The benefit of full body workouts is that you will be able to train each of your muscle groups multiple times per week.

This workout plan consists of 2 different workouts: Workout A and Workout B. Workouts are to be alternated with at least one day of rest in between each one.

An example of how this training plan could be set out is as follows:

Week 1

Monday – Workout A
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Workout B
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Workout A
Weekend – Rest

Week 2

Monday – Workout B
Tuesday – Rest
Wednesday – Workout A
Thursday – Rest
Friday – Workout B
Weekend – Rest

You would then continue the training in this pattern. Now, on to the workouts.

Workout A

Barbell Back Squat – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell Hip Thrusts – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell Bench Press – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell bent Over Rows – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Dumbbell Shoulder Press – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Lat-Pulldown Machine – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Cable Abs Crunches – 3 sets of 12 reps

Workout B

Barbell Back Squat – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell Deadlift – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Barbell Overhead Press – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Chin ups (can be band or machine assisted) – 3 sets of 8-10 reps
Dumbbell Low Incline Bench press – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Chest Supported Rows – 3 sets of 10-12 reps
Med Ball Russian Twists – 3 sets of 10 reps each side

The key to any workout program is to be making progress over time. For this plan, progress comes in the form of adding weight when you can. As a guide, once you are able to complete all sets and reps at the higher end of the target range, increase the weight slightly the next time you perform that exercise.

Taking squats as an example, if you complete 3 sets of 10 reps with 135lbs then you would increase the weight to 140lbs for your next workout and work up to being able to perform 3 sets of 10 again.

Finally, rest times should be kept to around 90 seconds on the 8-10 rep exercises and 60 seconds on the 10-12 rep exercises.

Author Bio:

Kelly is the founder of RegularityFitness, where she and associates blog about the best fitness exercises, weight loss methods, diet, muscle building. That will help you get a good shape and healthy. You can also connect with Kelly on Twitter: https://twitter.com/kellyregularit1

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Disclaimer: This information is for entertainment purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. MuscleNet.com is not a licensed medical care provider. The reader should understand that participating in any exercise program can result in physical injury and agrees to do so at his own risk. The findings and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of MuscleNet.com.