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Bodybuilding Training Split Routines

Weightlifting Split Workouts For All Muscle Groups

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Part of the secret of muscle building is making sure your muscles get a thorough workout without overdoing it. The process of building muscles involve breaking them down at first and then letting the body build them up again, hopefuly stronger for every time. Training too much will push your body into the state of overtraining, a process where the body breaks the muscles down but has problems building them stronger To avoid such a state it is vital that your training programs allows for enough rest between workouts of the same muscle. That is the purpose of splits, a few is mentioned here and more will come along with more details and programs.

7-day splits:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Routine 1 Rest Routine 2 Rest Routine 3 Rest Rest

14-day splits:

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
Routine 1 Rest Routine 2 Rest Routine 3 Rest Rest

Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14
Routine 1 Rest Routine 2 Rest Routine 3 Rest Rest

My program:

This is a complete workout based on those principles. It is 10-12 sets per workout, can be done in 7 or 8 days, and uses the 'one heavy day, one light day' concept on an 8 day schedule.
My workouts often include heavy singles, but the 3x1 <3 heavy singles> can be replaced with a complete working set.
                     SAT (9 sets)
Sat       Squats.                      (3) 3x1. 2x5-7.
          Hack Squat.                  (1) 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Leg Press.                   (1) 1x5-7 dropset <2 drops>.
          SLDL.                        (1) 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Standing Calf.               (3) 3x~30.

                     MON (12 sets)
Mon 1     Flat Bench.                  (3) 3x1. 2x5-7.
          Dips, Weighted.              (2) 1x5-7 + 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Incline Dumbell Press.       (1) 1x5-7.
          Military Press/Pullovers.    (4) 2/2x5-7 superset.
          Dumbell Curls.               (2) 2x5-7.
Mon 2     Dips, Weighted.              (3) 2x5-7 + 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Incline Bench.               (2) 2x5-7.
          Flat Dumbell Press.          (1) 1x5-7.
          Military Press/Pullovers.    (4) 2/2x5-7 superset.
          Dumbell Curls.               (2) 2x5-7.

                    TUE (9 sets)
Tue       Deads.                       (3) 3x1. 2x5-7..
          Powercleans.                 (1) 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Leg Press.                   (1) 1x5-7 dropset <2 drops>.
          SLDL.                        (1) 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Shrugs.                      (3) 3x5-9.

                    THU (11 sets)
Thu       Wtd Chins.                   (3) 2x5-7 + 1x5-7 dropset <1 drop>.
          Close Gr Bench/Dumbell Row.  (4) 2/2x5-7 superset.
          Pushdowns.                   (1) 1x5-7 dropset <2 drops>.
          Preachers.                   (3) 3x5-7.

Not show here: abs, done as warmup each day. By keeping sets down
to 9-12, you prevent overtraining, but you do have to make sure each
set counts. With the drop-sets, there should be no problem in this

Heavy-Light training method:

       HEAVY                   LIGHT
       -----                   --
Day 1. Squats                  Close Grip Bench 
       Calves                  Pec Deck
Day 3. Deadlifts               Pull Downs
       Shrugs                  Preacher Curls
Day 5. Bench/Dips              Leg Press
       Shlder Press            Leg Curl
Day 7. Wtd Chins               Shrugs
       DB Rows                 DB Curls

Day 2,4,6,8. Rest.

Notice how for each of the heavy movements (except deads) there is a light 
movement  on an opposite day which is to be done with a lighter level of 
intensity than the heavy movement. You pursue all your "heavy" days with 
utmost  intensity, but light work you just basically do, not worrying about 

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Disclaimer: This information is for entertainment purposes only. We strongly recommend that you consult a physician before beginning any exercise program. MuscleNet.com is not a licensed medical care provider. The reader should understand that participating in any exercise program can result in physical injury and agrees to do so at his own risk. The findings and opinions of authors expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily state or reflect those of MuscleNet.com.