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Weight Gain Tips

5 Tips on How to Gain Weight

A skinny body can look unsightly. While most of us usually talk about obesity being a major problem, being underweight is also equally risky, if not more.

A huge population is below the suggested weight. This does not only put people at a risk of different diseases, but may also make them appear unattractive.

When you are very lights, clothes will not fit you well. Other than this, being underweight can also make you appear weak. Moreover, your bones and other body parts may also be weak when you are unhealthy or underweight and not getting the right amount of mass that your body needs.

Three Women's Doing Exercises

Our bodies are different. For some people it is very easy to gain mass and for others it can be a nightmare.

One way to gain weight is to eat without any goals which is not so healthy because that may only store fats in your body, but may also cause you to have other health related issues.

Do not just eat aimlessly to gain weight. Remember that your goal should not be to gain weight but to gain mass or healthy weight.

Here are 5 tips on how to gain weight in a healthy manner:

1. Know Your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate)

BMR is the amount of energy your body uses when you're at rest. One way to gain weight is to know your BMR and eat more than what it asks for.

For instance, if you calculate your BMR and it comes up to be 2000 calories then you need to prepare a food plan that contains more than 2000 calories.

Different people have different BMRs because of age, sex, weight etc. You can use a BMR calculator to know your BMR.

2. Include Supplements

Supplements serve as a great way to gain weight. There are a plethora of options available. You can check predatornutrition.com for a complete list of reliable and healthy supplements.

Weight Gain Supplements

A lot of these supplements for gaining weight are designed to help with muscle gain and can be used to fulfill your body's nutritional requirements.

3. Go For Calorie-dense Foods

A lot of people complain that even though they eat a lot, they can't gain weight. This is because they are not eating the right kind of meals. The trick is to include foods that are heavy in calories as this is what helps you gain weight and you need to make every meal count.

Foods To Eat: Eating foods with sesame butter is a good choice when you want to gain weight. It is said to provide with 89 calories per tablespoon. Some other popular calorie-dense foods are raisins, quinoa, dark chocolate, peanuts, chia seeds, pecans, and whole wheat bread.

4. Switch To Shakes

We have limited space in our stomach. We cannot eat more than what we can handle. Many people try go overeat but that can backfire as well.

The solution to this problem is to switch to shakes. Bananas are high in calories so making a shake out of them is a good choice. To take it up a notch, you can add 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on top and make it a highly caloric shake.

5. A Healthy Snack Before Retiring To Bed

Our body goes to work once we sleep. This is the perfect time to have a healthy snack if you wish to gain weight.

You can make pasta and include some veggies in it to make it more caloric but without compromising on the healthy bit. However, don't go overboard on this meal because sleeping with a full stomach may help you gain weight but in the form of fat.

The Verdict

These 5 tips will help you a great deal when it comes to gaining weight. Remember to stay motivated and have a goal so you do not end up gaining more than what you need to gain.

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